Finland's National Brain Health Program

Background to the National Brain Health Program

In October 2021, The Finnish Brain Association (Aivoliitto ry) began preparations for the National Brain Health Program in collaboration with an extensive group of experts from various fields. The multidisciplinary preparation is reflected not only in the formation of effects, but also in their implementation. The program focuses on brain health by emphasizing protective factors within the environments of three distinct age groups: children and young people, working-age adults, and elderly.

In its first year of operation (2023), the program concentrated on improving the understanding of brain health and brain disorders, while also fostering a greater appreciation for brain well-being.

Successes of the first year of the Brain Health Program

Now, in 2024, we are seeing a growing interest from schools, parents, young people, working-age people and the elderly in how to protect the brain and promote brain health in different environments (homes, kindergartens, schools, workplaces). For example:

  • Different partners have disseminated the recommendation to reduce smartphone use at schools, home and during leisure time and legislators have shown interest on reviewing and updating legislation and guidance related to that. 
  • Employers are exploring ways to enhance the brain health of their employees to boost retention and attract new hires.
  • In collaboration with the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare and numerous municipalities, the National Brain Health Program has initiated measures to safeguard the brain health of the elderly, emphasizing protective factors over traditional risk management and treatment of disorders.

In June 2024, we published the Brain and Mind statement in cooperation with MIELI Mental Health Finland. 

Theme of 2024: Sleep

The theme for the National Brain Health Program of 2024 is sleep. We have organized seminars and webinars, launched a campaign, created a brochure titled Sleep is your brain´s time to shine, and published blog posts from various experts. Through these efforts, we have engaged a wide audience and sparked interest in the significance of sleep.

How do we succeed now and in the future

The theme for 2025 is brain ergonomics encompassing both cognitive and affective ergonomics. Affective ergonomics is an important novel aspect of brain ergonomics.

We are collectively responsible for our brain health. To optimize brain health, social and political action are needed. The Finish Brain Association coordinates the implementation and planning of Finland's National Brain Health Program. Collaborating partners and the age groups that they represent include: Folkhälsan (all age groups in Swedish-speaking Finns), the Central Union for Child Welfare (children and young people), Finnish Institute of Occupational Health and Tampere University of Applied Sciences (working-age people), Age Institute in Finland (elderly). In order to achieve the goals of the program, we also need a wide range of experts to implement the measures. 

For more information visit: Finland's National Brain Health Programme