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To ensure that iSupport is culturally relevant and appropriate, iSupport can be translated and adapted to national contexts and needs. The iSupport network is a support mechanism for researchers and implementers to share good-practice examples on iSupport adaptation and implementation for different populations, countries and cultures. With 84 researchers and implementers across 40 countries, the network fosters mutual learning and aims to harmonize research efforts.
WHO’s Dementia Research Dialogues support the implementation of the Blueprint for Dementia Research by bringing together leaders in dementia to translate research into practice and policy. The Dementia Research Dialogues include 1) monthly sessions to advance global and local dementia research agendas forward, 2) a Dementia Research Community to foster global collaboration. Join the Dementia Research Dialogues community to shape impactful, evidence-based research!
The DZNE Foundation's dementia awareness campaign #bademantelchallenge encouraged people to take photos in bathrobes at unusual locations. The campaign reached over 140 million people, gaining widespread media attention and sparking important conversations about Alzheimer's and dementia.
Finland's National Brain Health Program was established in 2023. The program examines brain health through the operating environments of three age groups (children and young people, people of working age, and seniors). The emphasis is on brain wellbeing and functional ability. Since its inception, the program has helped raise awareness about brain health across Finland, with an emphasis on sleep and brain health in 2024.
In 2023, Dementia Care (DEMCARES) in Schizophrenia Research Foundation started a project to raise awareness, facilitate diagnosis, and provide necessary interventions for people with dementia and other mental health conditions among older adults in rural Indian communities. To date, 169 individuals have been diagnosed with dementia, and 55 with mild cognitive impairment. Pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments have been provided to all eligible.
Dancer not Dementia is a film that features a participatory dance program called Sharing Dance Older Adults. The film was designed to counter the dominant tragedy narrative of people living with dementia, focusing instead on the creativity and abilities of dancers living with dementia.
The public health campaign “We zijn zelf het medicijn” (“We are the medicine ourselves”) was developed in 2016 and 2017 with the aim of increasing awareness awareness of the relationship between modifiable risk and protective factors and dementia in Dutch people aged 40-75 years. The campaign materials have been updated as part of the Netherlands Dementia Prevention Initiative (NDPI). Current activities within NDPI focus on tailoring the campaign to the needs and wishes of at-risk groups that are less well reached by traditional preventive messages
To learn more about dementia, including the causes of dementia and how to lower your chances of getting dementia, watch episode #122 of WHO’s Science in 5 series where Dr. Katrin Seeher explains Dementia in 5.
Since 2018, Dementia Friends Mexico has helped raise dementia awareness in Mexico by providing education and leading awareness raising activities across the country. To date, the initiative has reached over 11,500 people in Mexico. With over 300 volunteers helping spread awareness, Dementia Friends Mexico is committed to continue to promote understanding and support for people living with dementia.
Alzheimer's Disease Foundation Malaysia Community Corner (AACC) provides a community friendly and inclusive space for opportunities for open dialogue and exchange of ideas, information and resources regarding dementia. On average, 163 people living with dementia and 152 caregivers attend programming offered at AACC each month. The many activities and awareness events hosted at AACC have been well received by people living with dementia, caregivers and the wider community. Most importantly, the AACC has improved social inclusiveness for people living with dementia.
Since 2015, Bahamas Geriatric Hospital has offered a Caregiver Symposium to help build caregiver capacity in order to ensure optimum care for older persons diagnosed with multiple chronic health problems, including dementia, by providing useful and engaging information about caregiving. The Symposium is held annually in October and it is offered free of charge to attendees. On average, 200 formal and informal caregivers attend the Symposium.
Radio Televisyen Brunei, in collaboration with Demensia Brunei, have released the second season of the podcast series "Minding the Gap". The season focuses on dementia. With over 700 download, the podcast series is helping raise awareness about dementia in Brunei. Topics covered in the podcast include: What is dementia? Communication and dementia; mental health of carers; daily activities and dementia; and dementia friendly environments.
The WHO Global Database of Age-friendly Practices serves as a comprehensive repository of initiatives aimed at creating and sustaining environments that support healthy aging and encompasses a wide array of initiatives implemented by governments, organizations, and communities worldwide. Dementia-friendliness is tightly linked to societies also being inclusive and age-friendly. A preliminary analysis of the WHO Global Database of Age-friendly Practices shows a substantive number of practices directly related to dementia, covering all the eight age-friendly domains of action. In recognition of the intersections between age-friendly practices and dementia-related initiatives, we encourage stakeholders to work together to create inclusive, supportive communities that enable individuals of all ages, abilities and backgrounds to live with dignity, autonomy, and quality of life.
The World Health Organization (WHO), Ministry of Public Health and WHO Collaborating Centre for Healthy Ageing and Dementia convene in Qatar to speed up implementation of the Global Action Plan on Dementia. Over three days, more than 50 representatives from ministries of health , persons with lived experience, and civil society organizations, exchanged experiences and insights into country-specific needs, available resources, and key priority areas in relation to strengthening their national dementia response and monitoring its progress.
Last year, we lost Roger Marple – a dear friend, staunch supporter and founding member of the Global Dementia Observatory Knowledge Exchange Platform Focus Group of people with lived experience of dementia. In 2020, Roger joined the GDO KE Focus Group and together with the other Focus Group Members contributed substantially to its success by co-designing a unique process that would allow people who are living with dementia to review and critically appraise resources that are submitted to the GDO KE Platform.
A facilitated group singalong program has been implemented in a Canadian long term care home to support the wellbeing of people living with dementia. Residents living with dementia have responded positively to the music program, which has been successful at engaging people with various backgrounds and conditions.
To build country capacity related to dementia within the WHO Regions of Africa, Europe, and the Eastern Mediterranean, the Ministry of Public Health Qatar, in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO), organized a multi-regional and multi-sectoral dementia workshop, held in Doha, Qatar between 9 and 11 May 2022. The workshop provided an opportunity for cross-country and cross-regional exchanges on good practices and lessons learned in areas such as dementia policy, risk reduction, diagnosis, treatment, care and support, support for dementia carers, information systems for dementia, as well as dementia research and innovation.
Since the first days of the Russian invasion of Ukraine “Nezabutni”, a charitable foundation dedicated to supporting people with dementia and their relatives, has taken on the role of supporting people with dementia living in Ukraine. To ensure people living with dementia and their relatives continue to be supported during this difficult time, Nezabutni has delivered medication to people living with dementia, provided free online support for families, and assisted individuals that have fled the country.
To exchange lessons learned and achievements to date and to allow Member States and territories of the Americas to better understand how the global dementia action plan can be implemented in their country, a regional workshop was held by PAHO on 18 November 2021. The virtual workshop presented a great opportunity to learn about ongoing activities in the Region of the Americas and represents an important step to plan future actions at the national level.
Para compartir lecciones aprendidas y logros hasta la fecha, y para permitir que los Estados Miembros y miembros de nuestra Región entiendan como se puede implementar el plan de acción mundial en sus países, el 18 de Noviembre del 2021 OPS auspició un taller regional. El taller virtual presento una grande oportunidad para intercambiar información sobre actividades en curso y futuras en nuestra Región y representa un paso importante para planificar acciones futuras al nivel nacional.
Com o objetivo de compartilhar aprendizados e apoiar Estados Membros e territórios das Américas a entender melhor como implementar o plano de ação global em seus países, a OPAS organizou um workshop regional no dia 18 de Novembro de 2021. O workshop virtual constituiu uma ótima oportunidade para se informar sobre atividades em curso na Região das Américas e representa um passo importante para o planejamento de ações a nível nacional.