CanAge - Dementia in Canada: Cross-Country Report 2022

CanAge - Dementia in Canada: Cross-Country Report 2022
  • Type of resource: Policy/strategy/plan
  • Keywords: Dementia, carer, alzheimer disease, mental capacity, national framework, policy measurement, mental competence, caregiving, person living with dementia, early diagnosis, preventative health, health system impacts, geriatrics, population aging, national policy framework, people with lived experience, loss of mental capacity
  • Languages: English
  • Country: Canada
  • Region: Region of the Americas (AMR)
  • Publication year: 2022
  • Date submitted: 27/10/2022
  • Average ranking:
Analysis of progress and readiness of Canada in implementing Canadas's National Dementia Strategy. This is the first national framework to utilize WHO Dementia Metrics and adapt them for national progress and impact analysis. Report reviews both federal and sub-jurisdictional readiness, findings indicate that no Canadian jurisdiction is "dementia-ready".
-To determine an evidence-based progress matrix for Canada's National Dementia Strategy and sub-jurisdictional dementia preparedness.
-To create the first methodological measurement tool using WHO metrics to determine national dementia strategy progress and readiness.

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