Dementia-Friendly Care Homes Best practices in dementia care

Dementia-Friendly Care Homes Best practices in dementia care
  • Type of resource: Guideline
  • Keywords: person-centred care, long-term care, care practice, physical environment
  • Languages: English
  • Country: Canada
  • Region: Region of the Americas (AMR)
  • Publication year: 2020
  • Average ranking:
Forty grey literature sources (e.g., reports based on guidelines from health ministries, regional health authorities, regulatory agencies, care provider organizations, advocacy organizations, and research groups) were reviewed to examine relevant policies and programs in Canada, USA, UK, and Australia. The review of the grey literature was followed by community consultation at a forum with stakeholders from care homes, regional health authorities (RHAs) across British Columbia (B.C.), Canada and the B.C. Ministry of Health, and people living with dementia and caregivers. The synthesized set of guidelines sets the stage to explore, among various possibilities, the benefits and pitfalls of developing a designation program for Dementia Friendly Care Homes in British Columbia.
The goal of this project was to identify the best practices for people living with dementia living in care homes in two key areas: (i) physical environment of the setting, and (ii) education, training, staffing, and care practices, based on existing grey literature.

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