Dementia Information Booklets

Dementia Information Booklets
  • Type of resource: Other
  • Keywords: information resources, education, guides
  • Languages: EnglishAbout Dementia is also in Maori
  • Country: New Zealand
  • Region: Western Pacific Region (WPR)
  • Publication year: 2016
  • Date submitted: 16/10/2020
  • Average ranking:
These resources provide information relevant to the dementia journey for those who are looking for more information about dementia in general to how to live well with dementia, how to support a person with dementia, understanding changed behaviour, transitioning to residential care and the later stages of dementia and end of life care.
Each resource booklet provides different information. About dementia is a guide for people with dementia to provide them with information about dementia including the types of dementia, the warning signs, reducing the risk, diagnosis and post diagnosis support and how to plan ahead. The objective is that the person with dementia and others will have general information about dementia. It also provides links to further information, resources and where to go for more information and support. Booklet 2- Living well with dementia is written for people diagnosed with dementia to help ensure they remain as independent as possible and continue to enjoy live. Booklet 3- supporting a person with dementia - contains information to help support a family member, friend or neighbour or other such as a work colleague to live well following a diagnosis of dementia. Booklet 4- Understanding changed behaviour- provides information on some common changed behaviours and challenges when supporting someone with dementia. Booklet 5- Transitioning to residential care- acknowledges the difficult decision to find an alternative to caring for someone in their own home and provides information on how to decide on residential care including what to look for and how to cope once the person cared for goes into care. Booklet 6 acknowledges the ;later stages of dementia and end of life care and helps everyone , including the person with dementia, to know what to expect and helps them prepare for what is coming.
In producing the resource booklets and making them freely available in hardcopy and on our website we have the objective of ensuring consistent factual information being available to people whose lives are affected by dementia.
Another objective is to provide consistent material for the basis for education programmes for Alzheimers organisations. From these resources we produce powerpoint slides that different organisations can use as the basis for the education programmes they provide

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