Universal Design Guidelines: Dementia Friendly Dwellings for People with Dementia, their Families and Carers

The Centre for Excellence in Universal Design (CEUD), Ireland, which is part of the National Disability Authority has produced these guidelines to inform policy and practice in relation to the design of dementia friendly dwellings. These guidelines will support the Universal Design Homes for Ireland Guidelines and will inform national policy and be used in practice by all stakeholders – those who commission, design, build, provide and occupy dwellings.
For more information about this work visit: https://universaldesign.ie/Built-Environment/Housing/Dementia-Friendly-Dwellings
For more information about this work visit: https://universaldesign.ie/Built-Environment/Housing/Dementia-Friendly-Dwellings
These guidelines will support the Universal Design Homes for Ireland Guidelines and will inform national policy and be used in practice by all stakeholders – those who commission, design, build, provide and occupy dwellings. If new dwellings or alterations to existing dwellings are built in line with a Universal Design dementia friendly approach, then they will help people to remain living at home and in their community independently and safely for as long as possible. This approach will also support family members and carers to sustain the caring relationship, particularly if these carers are older people or a person with a disability.
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